Happy 2012!

December 31, 2011

Here we are, ready to ring in another year. I have so much to share with you guys. (Sorry I’ve been MIA – I was in Florida visiting my parents, friends and other family for the past week.) I could regale you with my latest Tarot card reading, my fun-filled Sunshine State moments, or my latest literary obsession, but I think I’m going to keep this streamlined and stick with the New Year’s theme. So, […]

One Holy Fruit

December 24, 2011

The Pomegranate holds great spiritual significance within Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Some common symbolic meanings are that of fruitfulness, sweetness, and a representation of all good things. And, nobody can dispute that Pomegranates are extremely healthy for you. They’re loaded with anit-oxidants and nutrients galore (i.e. lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin B5). The benficial effects appear to be endless. Well, that’s all great. However, it happens to be one fucking high-maintenace fruit. And, I […]

Birthday Boy

December 20, 2011

Today is officially Sam’s 9th Birthday. Nine sounds so old to me. I’ve always felt that way about the “nines.” Twenty-nine, Thirty-nine, Forty-nine…you get the idea. This is such a bittersweet Birthday for me. He’ll never be a single digit number after this year. I remember how exciting it was, as a kid, to hit those “Double Digits.” Now, I find it a little depressing. I know every parent goes through moments when they want […]

Sock It To Me

December 17, 2011

I’m totally smitten with Michael Buble. I’ve never really looked at him. Given him much thought. Or, really listened to him. But, yesterday, while having my morning cup of coffee with Kelly, Michael was co-hosting, and he was fabulous. Just, fabulous. In fact, I think he might just be the man for that coveted permanent co-hosting position. He was that good. He has that “ring-a-ding-ding” swagger of yesteryear, while still maintaining an ultra cool edginess […]


December 16, 2011

This is going to sound crazy, but I love when my kids are home sick from school. Not that I want them to be sick. Because, I don’t. But, I really do love when they’re housebound. It means I get a sick day too. And, we all know that when you’re a Mom, sick days aren’t really part of your benefits package. So, when Jake was home sick from school, for the past two days, […]