Art and Artillery

November 4, 2011

Who would have thought that the art of Willem De Kooning could be followed by a rowdy afternoon of gun-slinging fun. Well, I’m here to tell you that not only is it possible, but it was FANTASTIC! One of the best days, ever. My Tuesday morning was spent gazing upon De Kooning’s incredible works of art, displayed in one of the most comprehensive exhibitions I’ve ever seen. And, what I loved most about the exhibit, […]

One Pukey Movie

November 2, 2011

One day poop, another day puke. And, yes, it is from the same child, Jake. School was a half-day on Monday, so I picked up the boys and decided we would have a little afternoon adventure. I took them to their favorite pizza place, Venetian Delight, for lunch, and checked the movie times. We decided on The Three Musketeers, “all for one, and one for all.” Here’s how our movie moments went: Sam sits without […]

Hello Halloween 2011! I had my boys annual school Halloween parade this morning, and it was fucking cold outside!  I’m sure many of you know that New York had a snow-storm all day Saturday, which extended well into the evening.  And, as a result many in our town, which for the purposes of this blog will be known as Stonyville, lost power or partial power. We are part of the partial power losers.  It’s the […]

Shit Happens

October 31, 2011

My almost six year old son, Jake, has been potty-trained for quite a while now.  He was actually early to start using a toilet, for a boy.  About 2 years and 8 months, but who’s keeping track? He’s such a pro at using the facilities, he’ll even multi-task by continuing to play Zombie Highway, on his ITouch, while expertly dropping his drawers and wiggling back on his throne.  I’m so proud. My little man in […]

Back in the Old Days

October 28, 2011

Before we go any further, you must know that I am a child of the 8-track era, cassette tape listening, vinyl record playing,  and actual black and white television viewing generation. And, it makes me sad that my kids will never know the kind of sweet nostalgia that goes along with living through those historical periods of technological advancement. They will never know what it was like to actually type your school papers on a […]