I know…it’s been a while. And, I apologize for being so silent for so long. But, I have a really good reason.
My Daily Pill has been receiving one helluva a makeover for the past couple of months.
So, in honor of My Daily Pill’s new cybertastic “look”, I’m dedicating today’s post to Nanette Lepore, who debuted her sensational Fall 2013 line at New York’s Fashion Week today.
Oh, and did I mention that I was there to see it in all its’ splendor? Well, I was and it was fabulous.
(This one’s also for my girl, Jen Pinto, Nanette Lepore’s Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing, who rocked an incredible black, white and silver brocade suit, and also just rocked.)
As always, I took a ton of pictures for you guys. Unfortunately, I only brought my IPhone so the quality isn’t great, but they’re good enough that you’ll definitely feel like you were right there with me.
Before I let the photos speak for themselves, I have to say that the whole Nanette Lepore Fashion Show experience from the moment I entered the backstage entrance to the moment I left through that backstage exit, was fan-freaking-tastic.
Living in suburbia, it’s easy to forget why I love NYC so much. The energy. The people. The craziness. But, who knew all I had to do was spend an hour and a half at Nanette’s show to experience all NY has to offer under one tent??
Let me give you the rundown. Backstage, I had a fierce face smack-down with Mick Szal, one of Nanette Lepore’s gorgeous models.

Model extraordinaire, Mick Szal, and I in our fierce face smack-down. I think it’s pretty obvious who won. Uhhh…Mick won!!!
Patricia Clarkson (Easy A, The Green Mile, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, just to name a few), who looked stunning in an emerald green and black Nanette Lepore fitted dress, was so sweet and took a bunch of pics with me. We then evaluated those pics, deemed them “no good,” and then we took some more.

The beautiful Patricia Clarkson, and lil’ ol’ me. I really wanted to tell her how much I love it when she plays a free-spirited mom-slut, but I didn’t have the chutzpah.
I met the incomparable Arianna Huffington, and found myself speechless in her presence. That is something I am definitely not accustomed to, being speechless.

That’s me with Arianna Huffington. I almost dropped and did an “I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy,” but I kept it together.
Jen asked me, “So, did you ask Arianna anything?”
“Are you kidding?! I could barely speak and whatever did come out of my mouth must have sounded like gibberish.” I was truly devastated by ineptitude.
Jen just patted me on my arm, and tried to soothe me with, “Don’t worry. She’s so nice. You’ll get another chance to talk to her.”
Hmppf. The next thing I knew, the girl next to me, who couldn’t have been older than 24, tops, pushed a microphone in Arianna’s face and was asking her thoughts on the State of The Union Address last night. G-d dammit! Why didn’t I think of that?!?!
By the way, this all transpired before I even ventured to my seat.
The show itself was incredible. The line is sophisticated and edgy. I kept hitting the girl next to me, while I whispered, “Oooh. I love that. I’d totally wear that.” I feel like I said that about every piece, and I probably should have offered to take her to lunch after the way I violated her space during the show. I could have at least sprung for a coffee. Again, I didn’t think of it at the time. I’m so off my game right now.
I felt a slight Asian influence,, but when I mentioned that to Nanette after the show, she said, “Other people are saying that too, but it’s probably just the way the hair was styled.”
Her color palette is subdued and elegant, yet bold and commanding at the same time. She utilizes all shades of olive, violet and iridescence in her Fall 2013 line, along with my personal favorite, black. And, I went crazy for her use of hologram accessories, which were so well-styled with each look.
I also have to give a shout-out to the man in charge of the music, Scott Mou. The music was ridiculously good and provided that extra “wow” factor that put Nanette’s show over-the-top. I’m literally on a mission to find out where those songs came from, and when I do, you know I’ll be sharing my new discoveries.
I reconnected with Jen after the show, and she introduced me to the incredible June Ambrose. First, she has to be one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Second, she’s positively gorgeous. And, third, that girl talks-the-talk and walks-the-walk. Her outfit was beyond amazing. In fact, the first thing I said to her was, “You’re outfit is amazing.” June, you can style me for my next outing to The Food Emporium any time.
The effervescent Ella Rae Peck, who plays Mia Bowers on NBC’s mid-season drama “Deception,” was standing near me at one point after the show. We started chatting about how amazing the show was, Jen officially introduced us, and then we were busy with my trusty IPhone again.
Of course, I wasn’t going to leave without telling Nanette how amazing her line is and how incredible her show was, so that’s what I did. In the middle of all my gushing, she said to me, “I was a little nervous about this line and how it would all come together, but I’m really happy.” If I were Nanette Lepore, I would feel thrilled!

That’s me with Nanette Lepore. She radiates creativity. I know. Not the best pic, but what can I tell you…that’s all I got.
Okay, I know I told you I wasn’t leaving until I complimented Nanette on her line, but I lied. I wasn’t leaving until I got introduced to the transcendent Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire, Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and many other hits). I was simply awed by his quiet yet indomitable aura.
Just another day in the life of My Daily Pill. Amazing.
Tell me…What’s your favorite new “it” trend?
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Steve Buscemi. Great actor. You so enjoyed yourself Hineen!
Sounds like an amazing day. Can’t believe YOU were left speechless!!! Would have like to see that!!
sorry… the grammar police will kill me if I don’t fix the typo… “Would have liked to have seen that….” My fingers haven’t quite warmed up to my keyboard yet!
Great day ! Love Steve Buscemi.
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