I don’t know where the time seems to go. Memorial Day is here and another summer is upon us. (I swear the years go by faster and faster. Oh G-d…I totally sound like my Mother.) Well, I just can’t seem to get my head on straight lately. And, I know where it all started.
It was about 3 weeks ago when Mark and I went on our no-kids allowed long weekend to the Bahamas, for a fun-filled vacation of sun, drinking, and gambling. So, I guess that’s technically when my mind went into lazy summer mode.
We went with our close friends, Kim and Ilan. No, not friends. They’re really more like our family. So much so, that a couple of years back when our town had a week-long black-out, Kim and family, which includes their 100 lb Burmese Mountain Dog, Cody, moved in with us for the week. But, that’s a post for another day.
The four of us always have a blast and our Bahamas vacation was no exception.

This was actually our last night. Take a look at the glazed and loopy looks on our faces. It was at the absolute end of our last night. (Left to Right; Ilan, Kimmy, Me & Mark.)
My drink of choice was the Cove’s signature fruity vodka mix. My memory is going (or maybe I just drank too much) because I can’t remember the name of that drink, but I know it was a cute one. Our days were spent laying by the “adults-only” pool, sipping those fruity drinks, and enjoying the crazy fabulous musical mixes being spun by celebrity DJ Frank Delour (www.soulmessiah.com).
Here’s DJ Frank:
The music is a big part of the Cove’s no-kids pool scene. The music starts out nice and mellow until about 12/1pm and then it’s party time. And, let me tell you, some of those people took their partying really seriously. Like it was their job.
Unfortunately for those serious daytime party people, Kim and I took our observational duties just as seriously. You could say we were all working pretty hard at our self-appointed jobs.
Take a look:
Come closer…
Really, though, who could blame them? DJ Frank was just too good. He was so good in fact, I decided I needed to interview him right then. And, that’s exactly what I did.
He didn’t look like your average pool-side DJ. The man was stunning and clearly had model or actor written all over him. So, that was my opening.
“You can’t just be a DJ. You’re too good-looking. Were you a model or actor or something,” I casually asked.
“I did some modeling,” DJ Frank happily answered.
“Do you take requests?”
“Depends. Let me hear them,” DJ Frank said with a smile.
“How about a little S.O.S from Riahanna or a little Crazy in Love from Beyonce or Dancing on My Own from Robin?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t insulting his musical sensibilities in the process.
DJ Frank looked at me, smiled and said, “You’re clearly a child of the 80’s.” My mouth hung open. How the hell did he know that? None of my requests were from that decade. Like I said, he was just that good and I was smitten.
I then proceeded to give him my spiel…I’m a writer and blogger and I’d love to do a piece on you, you’re amazing…yada, yada, yada. Well, he said “sure” and I ran for my little red notebook and camera faster than you could say, “…put that record on.”
Here we are before I started giving DJ Frank some hard-hitting questions:

I'm holding on pretty tight to DJ Frank, but I couldn't help myself. He was just too yummy! Mark, who doesn't have a jealous bone in his body, wanted to know if I had fun in the DJ booth. Boy, did I ever!
Here’s how our interview went down:
Me: What’s your favorite music to play?
DJ Frank: House Music.
Me: Is there anything you won’t play?
DJ Frank: Absolutely no country.
Me: Any famous parties?
DJ Frank: Let’s see…I did Michael Strahan’s Fundraiser at Tao with Alicia Keys, the cast party for Chicago, The Costume Institute Ball; Roberto Cavalli at The Met, a private party for Harvey Weinstein, VMA’s after party in NYC…well, you get the idea.
Me: How did you get started and how long have you been a DJ? And, how many gigs do you do outside the US?
DJ Frank: I was a record producer first, with Island Records, but I’ve always collected music. So, when a friend (Michael Ault) opened up a couple of clubs in NYC, Pangaea and Chaos, he gave me my first job. I’ve been a professional DJ for 15 years and I do about 40 gigs a year outside the US.
Me: Your all-time favorite music/musician?
DJ Frank: Marvin Gaye.
Me: Okay, this is probably the most important question…Do you do your average person’s birthday party, and Bar Mitzvahs? I’m turning 40 in August and my son’s Bar Mitzvah is around the corner.
DJ Frank: (He chuckled.) I usually do private events for people in the entertainment industry, but we can talk.
Check out his website www.soulmessiah.com, and follow him on twitter @FrankDelour.
What’s your favorite music?
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It’s called a Tanzania!!!!
“put that record on” Oh Hineen!