I can’t stand it anymore. Everyone has an opinion on who should play Christian Grey, and to a smaller extent Anastasia Steele, in the film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey. And, as an early and loyal supporter, I feel it is my duty to put out my own casting possibilities for Fifty Shades.
I want everyone to keep in mind that these books are all fantasy, and, as such, everyone in them is fantastically good-looking. Well, everyone except Ana’s stepfather, Ray. He’s supposed to be more of your “everyman” type of guy.
Anyway, prepare yourself…because, if Universal and Focus Features come calling, this is who I’m suggesting for the cinematic version of Fifty Shades of Grey. G-d I hope those casting directors listen to me!
Christian Grey: CHRIS EVANS
Copper hair, check. Incredibly gorgeous, check. Amazing steel gray eyes (well, they might be blue, but whatever), check. Ability to smolder, double check. Strong jawline (you gotta have a strong jawline), check check. And, the list goes on. Do you see what I’m talking about here? Look at that face, people. He is Christian. (He’s also the Gucci model.)

“Hello there! I’m going to braid your hair, tie you to my bed post, and have you eat a perfectly prepared steak, all while I caress you with my leather riding crop.” Yes, please. (Photo courtesy twitchfilm.com)
Most importantly, Christian Grey has to look good with low slung jeans on and no shirt. Well, get a load of this…

What did I tell you?! I feel like I’m kneeling in “The Red Room of Pain” right now. I love him in all his shirtless jean-clad glory. Big sigh. (Photo courtesy of fitnessfreak24.com)
Anastasia Steele: EMILIA CLARKE
Remember, there’s a lot of focus on Ana’s lip biting in the books, so they need to be a prominent feature, as well as those clear blue eyes. Emilia has that in spades. Plus, the girl can act. She can play innocent and virginal, but still exude a quiet fortitude.

This is Ana. You may recognize her as the actress who plays the Khaleesi in HBO’s Game of Thrones. (Photo courtesy of emiliaclarke.com)
Kate Kavanagh: BLAKE LIVELY
Kate needs to be played by someone who has an innate sophistication and worldliness. That’s Blake. She’s the perfect compliment to Emilia’s (Ana) innate innocence.

“That’s right. I’m experienced and know what’s up.” (Photo by Gary Gershoff – © WireImage.com – Image courtesy wireimage.com)
Elliot needs to have a mischievous gleam in his eye and radiate fun, while being flat-out sexy. Ryan Kwanten is Elliot. He is the perfect actor to coin “Laters Baby” and own it effortlessly.
She’s perfect for the fun loving, high-fashioned yet edgy character.
One distinguished patriarch, who also happens to be extremely handsome, coming up.
Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey: SELA WARD
Who are you going to call when you need a striking intelligent mother, who also happens to be a brilliant doctor? Sela Ward, of course.

She screams, “I’m Mama Bear, so don’t mess with my cubs. If you do, I’ll mess you up, but I can always stitch you back together later.” (Photo courtesy of womenandhollywood.com)
Mrs. Robinson: KIM CATRALL
We need an iconic blonde for this role. She has to drip sex, bitchiness, wealth and a little desperation. I’m thinking no one could play our Mrs. Robinson, the woman responsible for Christian’s “sexpertise,” better than Kim Cattrall. Really, who is better to play this sexual predator? (She is most famous for having played Samantha Jones on HBO’s Sex and The City.)
This is our head of security, resident bad-ass in a black suit, and good-looking sometime flirt with Ana. We need someone with a commanding presence who can communicate with a look. Two words, Josh Holloway.

“I’m the man. A strong silent type of man, who really can’t wait to buy Miss Steele her undies!” (Photo courtesy of fanpop.com)
*Yet to be cast, Jose Rodriguez, Mrs. Jones, Dr. Flynn, Ray Steele and Carla (Ana’s mother).
However, I do think The Huffington Post article, “Fifty Shades of Grey” Movie Casting: Who Should Play Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, written on April 17th by Maggie Furlong, got it right when she suggested Michael Keaton play Ray Steele and Mary Steenburgen play Carla.
But, I strongly disagree that Helen Mirren should be cast as Mrs. Jones. Firstly, Mrs. Jones is supposed to be younger (no offense Helen), and secondly, you can’t have Helen Mirren cleaning the “Red Room of Pain,” but-plugs, or organizing nipple-clamps. Sorry. Not. Happening. Cheryl Ladd maybe, but not Helen.
Well, I’m sure I riled some of you up with my choices, but hey, that’s what the “comments” section is for, and I really want to hear from you. I want to know who you want to see play these roles. And, I’d love to know if you agree or disagree with my casting suggestions.
Now, for my virtual challenge…I’m throwing this back to my girl, Miss Lemonaid, at www.lifestylelemonaid.com. Make your picks, Girlie. Let’s see how our choices match up, and what your sippers think!
Laters Baby!
{ 218 comments… read them below or add one }
I completely agree with your picks for Christian and Taylor. I adore Josh Holloway! But Kim is even more perfect as Ehlana. Good call!!!
Thanks Krysi! I’m praying for Chris Evans! I really think he’d be perfect.
And, I think Cattrall would be an amazing sexual predator too!
He got that happy trail too…..
I love your casting for Ana and Taylor. Role of Mrs. Robinson for Kim Catrall sounds like a perfect much. I am not perticularly a fan of Blake but she would fit the mold of Kate. I would personally think that Scar Jo would be better suited for that role. As to Christian I do adore Chris Evans, but Ian Somerhalder is a dream come true. With his smirk and smoldering looks he would melt a glacier. I vote Ian as Christian.
Hmmm…I have to be honest – I struggled a little with Blake – I was originally thinking Jessica Chastain but she’s in her 30’s so I think she’ll look too mature next to Emilia. Blake would rock it and she’d look really good with Ryan (pick for Elliot). Now, Ian is gorgeous and definitely has the smirking and smoldering down, and he looks like he’d be into a little kink. I’m just really partial to Chris Evans but would be really happy with Ian. It would be ironic if Ian got the role, since he plays a vampire on The Vampire Diaries, and Fifty was originally Twilight FanFiction. Could be meant to be…
Jessica Chastain is amazing but you’re right her look is to mature for Kate. As to character of Elliot it is hard for me to decide who would be a better pick for that role. I never really saw Ryan in anything before so I have no sway either way (unfortunatelly not a True Blood Fan). I have been a fan of Ian Somerhalder since I saw him in The Rules of Attraction and seeing him on Vampire Diaries only seeled it for me. HE is a versitile actor with the chops to make the character his. Plus it doesnt hurt that he looks great without a shirt. 😉
I loved Ian in Rules of Attraction! So hot!! And, he can act! He might be too gorgeous if that’s possible. I really would be happy if it was him for Christian. Chris Evans just speaks to me! 😉
Wow. This is a tough one. I really love your picks. With most you are dead on. I am not sure about Kate and Elliot. I have been trying to picture them in the movie and just can’t. Maybe mila kunis as kate and kristiffer polaha as Elliott. Just saying it as I envision it. I look so forward to your articles. You are truly amazing my friend. Love, love, love!!! Can’t wait to see the movie with you as long as there is no crazy chit chat troughout the whole movie. You know me I’m a one time girl. Lol xo
Thanks kimmy! Just remember Kate is supposed to be a tall striking worldly blonde and Elliot is a sort of a fun goofy sexy sex fiend. Ryan’s already got that down on Trueblood.
Movies are sacred to me – absolutely no chit chat going on!!! can’t wait to see it with you too.
I love all the choices!! You are so right on!!! Xo
Aaron Johnson would be a perfect as Christian Grey.
Amara – I totally respect your pick, but unfortunately I can’t endorse hime ;)…. He’s no Chris Evans and didn’t really raise my body temp all that much. Cute but not scorching. But, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that…
Jennifer Goodwin or Kate Hudson for Kate???
toot old girlfriend
I agree!
When I think of Blake lively I think gossip girl.
I may need to re-cast Blake. My friend Hilary in SF also has some major issues with her. I was originally toying with Dianna Agron from Glee. Have to ponder this some more….
Charlie Casey or Megan park for Kate!!!
Very interesting picks. I agree with all characters except Ryan Kwanten. I think Elliot’s character should be someone that is cute and playful. Ryan is not doing it for me. I love Chris Evans over Ian Somerhalder. Ian is just not masculine enough. His face may be cute to some, but it is not Christian by a long shot. He doesn’t even have the strong jawline. Chris Evans with unruly copper hair and gray eyes would be a perfect Christian. Blake totally screams Kate Kavanagh.
So happy you agree with Chris Evans for Christian! He’s my man!!! My other choice for Elliot was Alex Pettifer. I went with Ryan because of his comedic ability over Alex’s. Lmk what you think.
I love all your picks – especially Chris Evans! PERFECTION!
Thanks Audra!! Chris is would be amazing!!! I hope someone out there in Hollywood hears that!!
I absolutely 100% agree! You read my mind! This has to happen
Thanks!!! Love that you agree!!!
I like Ian S. as Christian but would be happy with Chris Evans also. As Ana I really like Alexis Bledel. She is exactly who I pictured as I read the books. I immediately thought of Wilmer Valderama for Jose. I am not a Blake L. fan necessarily but I think she really resembles Kate also. I like Christopher Meloni as Taylor. Mrs. Jones is a tough one for me. I like all of your selections and would be happy to see any of the above really. This is going to be exciting to see unfold.
Ian is too scrawny and pretty for Christian but if he got it, I’d be ok. I thought of Alexis too – I like her, but she might be too old and too recognizable. Your Taylor option is a great one. I think Wilmer is too old (he’s 32)…I think Blake could be a great Kate but totally open to others. Mrs. Jones needs to be someone attractive and young enough to eventually end up with Taylor. Hmmmm?
Can’t wait for the movie.
I just read this whole thing. While I didn’t read the book, I must say…your such a Hineen. You really put in a lot of effort to your casting choices. Insanity. Love you.
Love you more!!! Thank you for appreciating my efforts!!! xoxox
I agree with most of your choices , I do think alexia bledel would be a better Ana though.. How gorgeous is Christ Evans… Christian writen all over him! Is there actually going to be a movie? I do hope so , I just finished the third book and I’m a little depressed! X
There is definitely going to be a third movie! I just hope they do the sex scenes justice! Alexis has the look but I think she might be a little too old and too recognizable for Ana. Chris Evans is ridiculous!!! I’ve been a big fan of up his for a long time!!!
I love your casting and would be happy with all of them. However, option B, Ian Somerhalder, is too short. If anyone under 6 feet is cast I will be highly disappointed. He has to be intimidating to girls and guys and only a guy with height can pull that off. Sorry Tom Cruises of the world.
I also like Chris Hemsworth for Christian. Yum.
Great list though. I think you nailed it.
Thanks Nancy! So happy you agree! I have to say, the more I’ve thought about Ian the more I dislike him for Christian. He’s too scrawny and not manly enough. Totally agree with you!!!!
Definitely, Chris Evans…muy caliente as Grey! Yum!
Right?!??!! Too perfect!!!!!
Thanks Claudia!!!
I was thinking Chris Pine for Christian but now I think Chris Evans could work too. I would be happy with either of them. Not sure what people are thinking when they are talking about having actors in their 40s playing a 21 year old college senior. Personally I feel the actors in this movie should not be the celebs we see all the time or ones that have been type cast.
Jen – I totally agree with you!!
Just saw The Hunger Games and Wes Bentley was riviting. I thought of him immediately as being the right one to play Christian Grey. His Flaunt magazine photoshoot (shirtless, mind you) confirms it for me. Although I absolutely adore Robert Pattingson, and know he could play the part, it would be just too hard for me to see him play a sadist…too soon since Twilight.
I’m an RPatz girl, and a Twi-Mom so I’ll never get tired of him, but I really think Chris can bring Christian to life. Ehhh – on Wes Bentley. I’m not really getting all hot and bothered. But, I totally respect that he does it for you!!!!
Okay love the idea of Chris Evans as Christian, I have been racking my brain trying to find the perfect person to play dark and sexy Christian, here’s a thought for Ana I thought of Leighton Meester, I just thought of it the other day, I thought she would be great in that role.
Thank you girl!!! I’m really pushing for my boy Chris. Leighton’s ok but she doesn’t really have an innocent looking bone in her body. There’s a reason why she gets cast to play someone with a sinister side (Blair in Gossip Girl and whats-her-face in The Roommate.)
I’m going to hold firm with Emilia.
Ok you got me there, she has the look, but she will always be seen as evil Blair on GG, I just looked up Emilia, I didn’t know who she was. I am now convinced she would be a perfect Ana, plus she’s not a huge celeb that would overshaddow the role. She has the eyes, and lips!
OMG! Thanks for this! You are right on the money–especially with Chris Evans!!!!!
Thanks Julie!! I’m determined to get Chris Evans in the running!!!
Great picks, and Kim Cattrall as Mrs. Robinson is inspired! I was also thinking maybe Armie Hammer (the Winklevii in “Social Network”) as Christian.
I’ve also had a little of my own Fifty Shades going on with “Fifty Shades of Nutella” http://wp.me/p22xxF-c6 check it out if you’re looking for snack ideas. . .
Just read your post!! Very delicious!!!
I totally respect your choice of Armie, but I just can’t endorse him. It’s Chris Evans or bust!!! Trust me!!!!
i totally agree that Chris Evans should play Christian grey! The whole time i was reading the trilogy he was who i pictured. He’s a perfect choice! Anastasia steel should be played by
Thank you for agreeing with me Brittany!!!
Chris is my man!!!!
OMG- your comments under Chris Evans pictures made me piddle a bit. Hilarious. Couldn’t agree more. I can usually care less who gets casted in a movie- HOWEVER, I took the time to write an essay to E.L. James as to why she should cast Chris Evans. Do the same please so we cannot be ignore. The people have spoken and we want Chris! LOL. Her email, which is posted on her website, is author.eljames@gmail.com.
Lindsay –
I think I love you!!!! Not only have I e-mailed and tweeted with EL, but I also had a chance to show her and her publicist Chris at a Divamons luncheon I was at. Click here:
We will not be ignored girlie!!!
Hummm YES on all but I have to argue another contender for Christian – Jensen Ackels…. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0010075/
check this link for him in a white shirt
and this one for him NOT in a shirt
Hummmm to Yummmm
Cass –
I so appreciate your pick for Christian, but I can not support him. Chris is my boo. He is just too perfect and too delicious for words. Did you look at his abs???? Really!!! Did you see how those jeans fit him in that perfect low-slung Christian-esque sorta way???
Come on girl…you know, you like a little Chris Evans…
I agree 1 million percent with all of your picks, especially Chris Evans as Christan. If he gets cast I will have died and gone to S&M heaven!
I couldnt agree more….I would LOVE to see Alexis Bledel as Ana also
Staci – take another look at Emilia Clarke!!!
Jessica – I’m LOL with your died and gone to S&M heaven comment!! I’m trying very hard to get Chrissy-boy in front of the powers that be!!!
I agree with your cast especially Chris Evans……Perfect!!!!!
But I think Rachel McAdams for Ana.
Pray to the Fifty G-d’s that Chris gets a shot!!! Rachel is too old – she’s in her early thirties/late twenties…
This would be PERFECT…I have had Chris Evans picked out for Christian since I started reading book 1-and pictured his low hung pants 🙂 delicious!!
Right?!!! How yummy is he??!!!
And, he looks delicious in a suit too!!! 😉
Jason Statham was Taylor while I read the books…but Josh..now I think Christian should have two right hand men!
and Garrett Hedlund as Elliott..Chris Evans is spot on for Christian! the jeans pic! mercy!
Holy Mercy is more like it!!! The man is a furnace of testosterone!!!!!
So funny – i was thinking about Jason Statham myself! If you read the “about me” section, perhaps you noticed my obsession with Jason Statham flicks?! There are 2 right hand men as of the 2nd and 3rd books, so i’m game for a Jason and Josh tag-team. 😉
Fabulous! Just read your “about me”…love the way you think! Starting the second book today..can’t wait! Jason, Chris, and Josh..triple Mercy!;) Just gets better and better!
Love most of these ideas but have always pictured Ana as like Rachel Bilson-she gorgeous and has the whole I’m pretty but can also do one of those where they stick her in sloppy clothes and then make her over into OMG!
Not loving Rachel Bilson – she’s not sweet enough, or innocent enough!
I really love most of your choices. Emilia Clarke is my number 1 for Ana. But for Christian Grey I can only picuture Colin Egglesfield. He is so sultry and dreamy and plain ole yummy!!! I am just not an Ian fun. He just doesn’t do it for me. I like Elizabeth Olsen for Kate and Julia Roberts as Elena!
Love that you love Emilia – i think she’d be perfect!!!! Totally respect your choice for Christian but Chris Evans has my loyalty!!!
Was maybe thinking Heather Locklear or Michele Pfeifer for Elena too??? What do you think??? No olsens!!!!!
i don’t know why but i’d say robert downey jr would be great for the roll of Christan. maybe its cuz i find him very sexy lol
Love love Robert Downey Jr – but he would be perfect for Dr. Flynn. He’s way too old for Christian.
Oh Dani! I have thought that since I started reading Fifty Shades! Even if they did cast him to play Christian, i know that on screen, it would not be a “satisfyingly titillating” as the book nor take us to the level the book did!
This cast would be perfect! Couldn’t agree more!!!!
Samantha –
Thanks!! Love you!!!
Great casting of the characters – you’re a pro or a natural!!! well done can’t wait for the movie.
From your mouth to Universal/Focus’s ears!!!!!
I agree completely with your choice for Ana and Christian – they were my picks too! Emilia’s got the acting chops, and you nailed it about her being both innocent and quietly strong. As for Christian, I love Ian, but he’s too happy and fun to play fifty shades. Chris Evans has the looks and smoothness, but you can tell he doesn’t really give a f*** and he can definitely pull off dark.
They should make it a HBO series instead of a movie, I mean, look at True Blood’s success. FSOG is a female fantasy soap opera with loads of good sex, no point pretending to be what it’s not.
Oooohhhh!!!! HBO series would be HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!
And I couldn’t agree more with your eloquent description of both Emilia and Chris!!! 😉
My Christian Grey is most def Matthew McConnaughy, he has the Southern drawl to carry off the ‘Miss’ and ‘Maam’ talk!!!
I am a huge Matthew fan, but alas, he does not belong in this flick. First, we’re in Seattle, not the South. Second he’s in his 40’s and Christian is 28 years old. But, he is definitely yummy.
As I read the books, Robert Downey Jr. is my Christian Grey!
New Fan-
I’ve said this before, but for you, I’ll say it again, I LOVE Robert Downey Jr, but he’s too old. Christian is 28 and RDJ is in his 40’s. I did FB that RDJ would be beyond Perfection for Dr. Flynn.
I love the choices you have for everyone and I think you picked a good Christian grey but me personally would have to choose Chris hemsworth as Christian. Every time I read the books he is all I see……:)
Kacie –
I know…a lot of people think of him. My friend Randee and I have an ongoing thing going between the two. I still hold firm with Chris Evans!!
Omg! I couldn’t agreed more for Chris Evans as Christian Grey!!! He’s my only pick and the perfect pick for the role. Everything from his head to toe screamed, “I am Christian Grey”!! I don’t think Ian would be good bc he is short and wouldn’t be towering over Ana as the book described. He has the look but the body, “no way”!
You are a girl after my own heart!!!! I’m so tired of hearing about Ian for this role. I totally recant my statement that I’d be “okay” with him as Christian. There’s no one better than Chris Evans!!!
After reading all three books I had no idea re Ana – Emma Stone for large eyes (plus I love her) but since reading a blog mention Emilia Clarke I am convinced she is perfect. But for Christian I would love Matt Bomer or Colin Egglefield (who is 39) but doesn’t look it at all. Now how do we get this info to the producers lol. Ian I don’t like for Christian tho he is v handsome but his face is too hard there needs to b a softness to him.
I’m so happy you’re on board with Emilia!!! As I tell everyone, Chris Evans is THE perfect Christian, but I totally respect your pics. They’re both hot choices, but not for my Fifty.
That’s who I pictured all thrum the books great minds…
I couldn’t agree more!!
I LOVE ALL of your picks. I disagree with Ian Somerhalder not being MAN enough. However, his height DOES pose a problem. I like Chris BUT I’m not a huge fan of his. Though from your two pictures, I have to say, I wouldn’t mind him tying me up in the Red Room of Pain 😉
I think Kim Catrell would play an AWESOME Elena. As for Kate, never even thought of Blake, and I love the idea of her being Kate. Elliot needs to be someone fun, I agree. I just can’t picture him as any celebrity I know. I love Wilmer Valderamma as Jose, but I agree, he’s old. And I don’t know, I see Jose as a little chubby. Am I the only one?
As for Taylor, I must have missed something about his description, because ALL through the series I pictured him as a Big Black Man i.e Michael Clarke Duncan… Now, I need to go back and read about Taylor LOL
Amanda –
Chris Evans could do anything he wants to me in the Red Room of Pain. 😉
Love that you’re on board with my pics – we just need Hollywood to listen and I’m working on that.
Taylor – you’re not the first person to have read him that way. But, def re-read his description.
the second i started reading books, now mind you im a completely visual person… i envisioned Amilia Clarke. I am a huge Game of Thrones fan … knowingly that she is a true brunette .. is absolutely perfect for this role. she can play drab mousey ana to start and come off as the sexy vixen she is as Daenaryes (sp?) … i will be disappointed if ana is cast by anyone else!!!!!! My christian would be christian bale altho he is slightly older… movies dont always have to follow a book to a T… he has the dark eyes…we can throw in some highlights give him a reddish edge to that sexy black hair..angular cheeks and great bod…
I’m a total Game Of Thrones fan, and I KNOW Emilia would rock ANA.
So happy we totally agree on that!!!
Your not the first person to have commented to me that they think Christian Bale should play the role, but I really don’t think he’s right. Don’t get me wrong – he’s way good-looking and has major acting chops, but yeah – it’s the age thing, his tendancy to be a little psychotic, (he will forever be American Psycho to me), and there’s something with his mouth that’s always kinda bugged me. Come to think of it – he could be a great Dr. Flynn. My first pic is Robert Downey Jr for Dr. Flynn, but Bale could be really good.
What do you think?
Blake Lively as Kate? What…? Isn’t the wonderful Miss Katherine Kavanagh supposed to have auburn hair? Why is everyone dreamcasting her as a blonde? :O
She’s a stunning blonde in the books. Ana is the brunette.
Take a look back in the first book at the description – it’s easy to get it confused and everyone sees characters as they see them. So, if you see her with auburn hair – cool.
Kate is described as having strawberry blond hair in the 1st book, so I considered her to have more of a reddish tinge to her hair color. What about Deborah Ann Woll?
love love love Emilia Clarke..she has the perfect innocence yet also stubborness that you can see in the Game of Thrones (great show btw!). Look at Ben Barnes for Christian…he has deep dark eyes (not grey I know) but he has this dark mysterious look to him as well..almost tortured in some photos of him.
As for Kate…I love Maggie Grace. She is beautiful
Katey –
Thrilled you agree with me on Emilia!!! She’s perfect!!!! G.O.T. is the best show too!!!! Ben Barnes is good lucking but a little too fem, and way too skinny. He also creeped me out in a huge way in Dorian Gray. But, he’s def good-looking.
Did you take a really good look at my boy Chris up top??? Did you see him in those jeans??? Hmmm, yummm. He can braid my hair anytime! 😉
I looked at Maggi Grace – love her too – but she’s too old. I love Jessica Chastain for the role – but she’s also too old. She’s in her 30’s. Kate and Ana are just graduating college. Needs to be a younger aged actress.
Julia –
From your mouth to the casting G-ds’ ears!!!!! You know I couldn’t agree more!!!!
Like all your choice but I think Charlize Theron would make a great
Mrs Robison … And Mrs Taylor Meryl Streep
Interesting choices!!!!! Thinking Charlize is a little too young for Mrs. Robinson… Michelle Pfeifer perhaps??? Hmmm…Mrs. Taylor??? Meryl could be good. I like it. But, do you think she skews a little too old??? And, can you really see Meryl in such a bit part??? How about Felicity Huffman instead????
Wow! I’ve never envisioned Chris that way! phew! lol. But I pictured him as more of an Elliot kind of character because of the Fantastic Four movies. I thought Christian looked like Matt Bomer before I laid eyes on him. I love Sela Ward, she’ll make a perfect Grace. I also thought Taylor was black, I had to re-read his description. So at first I thought Anthony Mackie but then he’s too young for Mrs. Jones? I would still love to see him though. And Ramon Rodriguez for Jose! LOVED him in the Transformers movie! I can see Ellen Barkin as Mrs. Robinson too. Man I would hate to be the casting director in this one! Love Emilia as Ana! For Kate I thought Rebecca Mader, Kate Hudson, Evan Rachel Wood, or Deborah Ann Woll. Mia I envisioned someone younger than Katie. And I don’t know who for Mrs. Jones 🙁
Lisandra – Puts things in a whole new light right??? Matt Bomer is gorgeous but all wrong for Fifty. And, a lot of times he has a vacant look to him, not an all-knowing I’m gonna rip your panties-off kind of look, that’s needed for Christian.
Ellen Barkin is too old for Mrs. R. I like your Jose pick. I know – Kate is a tough one. I still hold firm with Blake. Although, Evan Rachel Wood could be interesting. But, she might be a little too cerebral and edgy.
Mrs. Jones – Felicity Huffman?? Remember – she has to be young enough to end up with Taylor.
Mrs Robinson is late 30s early 40s In the book… Michelle Pfeiffer could work…she 54 but she sure dosent look it…when I first stared reading the book I thought of Ian Somerhadler he already Playing Fifty shades just as a vampire … I’m still trying figure how there going to put it on the big screen! Should be interesting .
Beg to differ on Mrs. R’s age – remember she’s been a long-time family friend of Dr. Grace Trevelayn-Grey and Carrick Grey. So she needs to look more mid-40’s to early 50’s.
Ian is too short and too skinny. We need a little more bulk in our Christian. Dontcha think????
You should take look at an actor call Matt Bomer he in a series
Called White Collar he also in the new movie called Called Magic Mike
I know Matt Bomer. And, even though he’s a stunning male specimen, he’s not Fifty. He doesn’t have the soulful serious brooding thing that’s needed. His look is too happy and bright. Not enough edge and danger.
I don’t believe he’d sexual intimidate. He’s perfect in White Collar and Magic Mike, where both of his characters offer an impish comical twinkle.
I just don’t see him wielding a brown leather riding crop!
How about Jason Shane Scott as Christian?
Just looked him up…he’s hot! Sort of a cross between Chris Pine and Matt Bomer. I really can’t abandon Chris Evans. It’s not just his insanely good looks, it’s his acting, facial expressions, mannerisms, everything….The whole package!!!
Your picks for everyone but Christian and Ana are dead on! I would like to see Ian Somerhalder or Jessie Pavelka as Christian and a fresh face for Ana Steele!! There needs to be an open audition
Holy hell that Jessie guy is HOT!!!! I’m sweating right now! 😉
Ian is a big NO for me! Too skinny and dirty looking and way too short.
I’m a Chris Evans loyalist, but oh my that Jessie guy is unbelievable!!!!
I think Emilia Clarke is pretty fresh-faced – most people don’t even know that she’s the Khaleesi on Game of Thrones, but totally respect how you feel!!!!!
lol thanks so much for the reply!! But yes, I know that jessie pavelka is GORGEOUS!!!! he is literally the christian role I imagine.. the only reason Ian is a possibility is due to his dark character in vampire diaries. I actually never paid attention to his height!!! Movie cameras can add the height however, just look at Josh Hutcherson in Hunger Games! lol
As for Anastasia Steele, well Emilia Clarke IS fresh-faced but I need to know about open auditions due to the fact that I want to play her more than ever. I have some experience but since I ever read the book me and Ana are literally soul sisters, I just wish they could give a chance for someone completely new to audition!!!
I agree with all your choices except Christian. I think they should cast Henry devill, the new superman. He looks delicious in a suit. He is truly sexy and has that dark look to him. Yummy!!!
Kim catrell is perfet choice for mrs. Robinson. it’s like the role ws made for her.
Oh Tina –
I love Henry Cavill but Chris is one delicious bad boy all dressed up and there is no doubt in my mind he knows what to do with silver balls and a riding crop. 😉
I was totally agreeing with Chris Evans til I saw that Jessie Pelveka guy! WOW!
I love Alexis Bledel for Anastasia and Maggie Grace for Kate.
Ellen Barkin as Mrs. Robinson, she has that sexy, strong older woman goes for younger guys look to her.
Taylor, I can see Jason Statham, that military strong handsome look to him and Mrs Jones- Heather Locklear, she has to be good looking to work for Mr. Grey and be blonde!
I have to agree with Wilmer Valderama for Jose Rodriguez, I really think he could pull it off.
Ray Steele- Michael Keaton was a good pick. Carla, Lauren Graham! (Gilmore Girls reunion)
jessie pavelka!!! i knew he’d win girl’s hearts ;D
i know – that jessie guy is ridiculous, but Chris is still my Fifty. I have complete faith in him!!!
I am a Jason Statham freak!!! I LOVE him!!! i actually did think of him, but after seeing Josh Holloway in the last Mission Impossible, I was like, hmmmm!!!!
I totally hold firm with Emilia for Ana. I think Lauren Graham might actually be too young for Carla???
Love, love, love your choices all apart from the Christian role. I do love me some Chris Hemsworth but would also consider Matt Blomer. Whilst Chris Evans would still please I just find Ian too young looking and no buff enough. Not sure about your choice on Taylor by do like Peggy’s suggestion of Jason Statham.
Peggy has given it some really good thought.
You know what I don’t actuall car who I cast, just hurry up and mak he film already
Chelsie –
I’m totally impatient too!!!
Jessie Pavelka looks hot, but can he act? I agree with all your choices except for Mrs. Robinson. I think Michelle Pfeiffer is a better pick. She is more intimidating than Kim Cattrall.
I totally have no idea about Jessie – but damn, that boy is smokin’. I like Michelle too! There was just an article in Hollywood Reporter about murmurs going around that Kim was being asked. We’ll see!!!!
I totally agree, Josh Holloway to play Christian and Kristen Kruek to play Ana!!! Kim Cattral brilliant!
I think Josh is way too old.
i can’t imagine Josh Holloway in a buzz cut
Berna –
Okay so here’s my casting.. just with my opinion
Ana-Lyndsy Fonseca (back up: emmy possum or katherine mcphee)
Christian-Ian Somerhalder (Back up: Matt Bomer)
Kate-Blake Lively
Jose-Arian Grenier
Elena-Heather Locklear (Back up: angelina jolie or cameron diaz-cameron is right at 40…)
Elliott-Ryan Kwanten PERFECT (back up: james franco)
Dr. Flynn-Hugh Laurie (i love house!)
Grace-Susan Sullivan
Carrick-Stellan Skarsgard
Mia-Lucy Hale
Taylor-Christopher Meloni (Back up: Glenn Morshower)
Mrs. Jones-Felicity Huffman
Ethan-Kellan Lutz
Carla-Mary Steenburgen
Ray-James Remar
Jose Sr-Jimmy Smits
Leila-Leighton Meister (she showed her creepy side in the roommate)
Jack Hyde-James Legros (pulled back hair, light eyes, young enough.. watch him on Girls.. he’s good!)
dang autocorrect. emmy rossum** and adrian* there’s probably more.. but you get the idea! haha these are just who i pictured while reading..
Tess –
So funny, I thought of Heather Locklear for Mrs R and Felicity Huffman for Mrs. Jones too!!!!
Love the casting choices except for the most important role of all…for me, it must be Ian Somerhalder as Christian. I didn’t even know who he was until I saw his name associated with playing CG. Those incredible eyes of his, that crooked smile, his whole aura just screams Fifty. He’d be mind blowing in this role. He could easily bulk up some more if need be. I’ve looked up his previous work and he has the expereince for bringing on the kink and then some. 😉 He and Emilla would look incredible together.
Lisa –
Totally respect your Christian choice, but I really think that he is way too skinny and doesn’t have the body for the role. And, as you know, I am very loyal to Chris Evans.
But, I do believe Ian has the kink factor in spades.
Liam Neeson for Dr. Flynn!!!
Avery –
I really think Robert Downey Jr would be the perfect Dr. Flynn – he’s the right age too.
Colin Firth would be great as Dr Flynn!
I think Harvey Dent or Harvey erkhart (movie no reservations) should play Mr gray
Barbara –
Totally respect your choices – i think you mean Aaron Eckhart – he’s too old. Christian is around 28 yrs old. Aaron is in his 40’s.
I totally agree with Sharon on all counts ….. except Christian. Sorry Sharon, but Henry Cavill – and this is just my opinion, is the only one who can play Christian. Chris Evans yes, as a second choice if Henry turns it down (I’m sure he will be in the running). He’s got the height, eye color, hair, build, long masculine fingers, just enough hair on his chest, the happy happy trail, strong jaw, and is a born actor. His face can register every emotion with minimal effort, and he’s believable in whatever role he plays. Most of all, for me, in real life he’s a perfect gentleman and patient with people, especially fans and paparazzi. He’s British yes, but has a flawless American accent.
Just my 2 cents.
Love that you mostly agree. I happen to think Henry Cavill is beyond delicious. He was my favorite in The Tudors. But, I hold strong with my man Chris Evans. Did you get a load of his body???
But, should it be Henry (aka Superman), I would be a happy girl too.
I think Colin Egglesfield would be PERFECT as Christian!!
Can’t get behind Colin, but totally appreciate that he does it for you!!!
Finally! Somebody sees Chris Evans as Christian Grey! He can definitely do the job. Christian Grey has that Gemini quality about him. He’s mysterious, kinky, and his mood can change at any second. I’m married to a Gemini, I know!!! And Chris Evans is a Gemini! He can do this role in his sleep. I’m sure of it!!!
Erryn –
THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Chris is my boy!!!! And, how hot is that body?????!!!!!
I like all your choices, I think they would fit perfectly, especially Chris Evans, Blake Lively, and Kim Catrall. I like who you chose as ana…but I also had the image of the brunette girl that plays “Aria” on pretty little liars. Either way I’m super excited to see Fifty Shades come to life.
Love that you agree with the big choices!!! I hope someone out there in LA LA Land is listening to me!!!!
Thought throw another name into the rink Stephan Amell!
He was on the Practice this past season has been Hung and Heartland ect. and is the lead in Arrow this fall on the CW which a looks great …. Anyway he can act which is really import because there’s Fifty Shades!
But I’m starting think people haven’t really read the book when put actor names into the mix that almost ten to twenty years than in the book… Or a much older Christian to a young Ann… Anyway my two cent …MJ
I totally dig that Stephan is your choice!!! But, I’m telling you, Chris Evans would be perfect!!!!
Yes MJ, I know what you mean about people throwing names around just for the heck of it. All the names mentioned in this stream – except one, are fine looking men but none of them would cause heads to turn because of their extraordinary beauty, as the book describes Christian to be. Henry Cavill is the only one who matches E.L.’s description right down the line. Every single attribute of Christian Grey is there, the look in his grey eyes, his walk, his countenance, facial expressions, his impassive look.
I’m not Henry’s agent, or mother, or even a friend of his. I just see what’s as plain as the nose on your face – he’s the best one for the role. All the other names being bandied about are handsome, but not magnificent. Henry was chosen to play Superman for cryin’ out loud. That’s got to tell you something !!
Francesa (and MJ) –
Totally agree with you about people throwing random names around too. And, I must counter your point on Henry being Superman – you do know that Chris Evans is Captain America, rt???!!!!
You have to take a look at the range of roles Chris has done. He’s done some indie stuff that is outrageously good.
I like your Ana pick but in all honesty…I REALLY think Ryan Kwanten would be PERFECT to play Christian. He’s gorgeous and obviously very comfortable in front of the screen with his clothes off… He is my #1 pick! Love hearing everyone’s ideas though 🙂
Danielle –
Ryan is yummy!!! But, I’m totally loyal to my Chris!!!!
Whoa!!! Girl you are SPOT ON! I LOVE your Anna and Christian picks the most. I hope someone is listening. . . LOL!
Cakes –
I LOVE that you agree!!!! And, by the way, I hope someone is listening too!!!!
Personally I would love to see Josh Holloway as Christian – it is exactly who I imagined reading the books – I realize you say he is too old, but makeup can do wonders and he has proven he can do both and smolder.
With that aside – I agree with most of your picks but Chris Evans does nothing for me and does not have a face that all women would swoon over and not be able to talk. If I can’t have Josh for Christian, the I have to go with Ryan Gosling. Ian is definitely good looking but his eyes are too close together. I would love Matt Bomer, because he has the perfect jawline and face for the roll, but not sure he can be the dom personality needed. I still see Josh, probably not going to change that for me!
I like your picks for Mia, Elliot and Mrs Robinson. Christian Grey is totally Ian Somerhalder! Carrick is a maybe for me but Dr Grey seem a bit younger than what I imagined when I read the book.
I don’t care who plays the rest of the cast, only Christian – and he just screams out “Christian Grey”.
He’s the complete package – he’s the right build, is masculine but with a look of vulnerability, he has gorgeous eyes which are the right colour, and have you checked that lower lip?
In fact, I won’t go and see the movie unless he’s in it.
I respect everyone else’s opinion, but to say that Chris doesn’t have a face that every woman will swoon over isn’t really an issue – because no-one does. Chris Hemsworth, Ian Somerhalder do zero for me . There is unlikely to be any actor who suits everyone.
Chris Evans ticks all the boxes – he can carry off the tortured soul bit to perfection.
Sharon – you go girl! You’re doing a grand job!
I agree no matter who gets picked for the roll someone is going to be disappointed !!! Yes he needs be good looking! But he needs to capture all those Fifty Shades so if they get actors that look good but can act can’t act for any of the rolls then it’s over before it starts….
Cillian Murphy from Red Eye/Inception movies. He can be good looking, but creepy at the same time. He can pass as young enough to be Christian yet I think. I’m picturing the movie with a little more darker theme. Unsure who Ana would be, but definitely not a goody-two-shoes type!! No Disney starlets!! The girl from “Game of Thrones” might do the trick. Laters, baby!!
Some picks which stand out to me as best are Chris Evans, Kim Cattrall, and and Emilia Clarke. I was considering Lily Collins as Anna, but Emilia would be great.
Ian Somerholder is too feminine, and from what I can judge, gay. I have no problem if he is gay at all, except that in this instance, where he would star in an Erotic Romance- he can’t be gay in real life, because that would kill it for me. A catastrophic mistake of casting to use Ian in.this role.
Love your picks for the movie….was having trouble seeing Christian with copper hair, but after looking at your pick, nicely done!! I JUST finished reading it for the first time, and find myself sad….no more living vicariously through them.(somewhat 😉 Thanks for the fun post!
I do not get why people kept saying Bale is too old! For all u know this book’s character should be called Christian Bale instead of Christian Grey. It totally describe him to a tee, just the age doesnt match. I personally would love to see him play this char, just get a slightly older actress (my perfect Ana would be Anne Hathaway, who’s also affectionately known as Annie to many…coincidentally with the char) put some makeup, CG, whatev, voila, u have 50 Shades of F**ked Up Grey and Ana. U need an experienced actor to do this tormented char. Furthermore, Ana was described as having “eyes too big for her face” and the only actress i can think of is Anne. Her eyes ARE too big for her face, and she can do innocent AND sexy well too. I know people think both of them are too old. And i also dont get why everyone is comparing Patrick Bateman in American Psycho (which Bale played so well as) as parallel to Grey. Bateman is a psycho, who have a tendency to KILL, Grey is just a misunderstood, abused billionaire who has a dark side. I think Bruce Wayne is more like Grey…and frankly when i was reading the book, i totally imagined Bale in Bruce Wayne’s persona for Grey….Sigh…but on the realistic side, even if the world begs him to, i dont think we will have the fortune to see Bale as Grey (dream on!) cos i think he will view this role as too “commercialized” for him. A girl can dream….
Ian Somerhalder as Christian YES should consider Joshua Morrow as well. I think that for Anastasia Steele should be played my Minka Kelly. As far as Mrs. Robinson she should be played by Jennifer Coolidge. Taylor should be played by Mark Walberg. Just saying 🙂
Oh my gosh… You are brilliant! I will be sadly disappointed if this does not turn out!
No offense ladies both Christian picks are beautiful specimens but when I think Mr Gray…. I think dark, deep voice, the just f***ed hair, angry, commanding… And then compassionate, broken, & fun. My pick is Brandon Routh. Dark brooding, body of a Greek god, & a smile to melt ice. I see Ana thinner, slighter, though quite strong, yet very fragile. More Anne Hathaway or Mila Kunis. Able to dish it out but also vulnerable & shy. I honestly could care less about the rest of the cast. I’m only interested in watching some heat between Mr Gray & Miss Steele
I think all the picks here at right on point. Chris Evan it’s a total babe. But what about Jose? He is a bit important too playing part in the love triangle. And I don’t see any suggestion for him here. 🙁
OMG! You are totally right! While i was reading the book, all i could think of is Chris Evans! He’s perfect for the role of Christian Grey. I think Amanda Seyfried fits the description of Anastasia Steel. 🙂
Chris Evans is simply the man to play the part of Christian Grey. He totally matches the description and i really hope he gets the part, i think Anna can be played better by Emmy Rossum, she’d be a great match for Chris Evans and i can really see Ana in her. Chris Evans for Christian Grey all the way!!!
Also your pick for Carrick Grey is a great idea. I never thought about that until i saw it here. Pierce Brosnan would definitely play the part of Carrck perfectly.
I totally agree with Christian and Carrick!! I had these two picked the moment I started reading! However, I picture Emmy Rossum as Anastasia and Julianne Hough as Kate. I like Michelle Pfeifer as the cougar Mrs. Robinson as well as Ben Affleck as Taylor ( bad ass former military type). All in all I am not apposed to any of your choices! I’m so happy to see someone on the same page as me!!
Your picks are perfect. I love Chris Evans but Ian Smolderhalder 🙂 would do it for me. Thank you for seeing the perfect fit that Emilia Clarke is for Ana. She is just perfect for the role and besides of all the rumored actresses she is the only one with the most experience for the sex scenes.
I love your choices except two – Ana I saw more as Anne Hathaway. And Taylor – I envision someone like Shemar Moore, or even Daniel Craig – someone a little older – damn good shape, but can rock out a suit! But love all the other choices!!
I think jason statham would make an awesome taylor and either kim cattrall or jenny mccarty as mrs.robinson!
And Cam Gigandet as either ethan or elliot!
Josh H0lloway should definitely play Christian and Kiera knightly shoud play Anastasia
Mila Kunis- Leila Williams
Lyndsy Fonseca- Anastasia Steele
Jason Statham- Taylor
Is the movie going to cover all three books? If so, I think Taraji P. Henson could play Prescott!
Johnny Depp as Jack Hyde
Ian Somerhalder would also be a good Christian Grey
I totally agree with most of your pics! At 1st I also thought Emilia Clarke would be great, but now I’m leaning towards Alexandra Daddario. I really, really hope they put Chris Evans in as CG! He’s gorgeous!
This is a perfect castingThe man who plays Christian Grey Did good in step up revolutionI think he will be the perfect manAnd the other people is good as well….EspeciallySamantha from Sex in the CityHow to play miss Roberson….Can’t wait for the movie
Um, the guy who is in Step up revolution isn’t Chris Evans (try watching Captain America or What’s your Number?). I think that’s Ryan Guzman, which might be a good choice for the role of Jose. Honestly, what do you all think about Cameron Dias as Elena?
Why is no one realizing that mrs jones and elena r the same person? She was married and her husbands last names jones. please reread the book this is like the fifth site that is casting 2 people
My fault ur right the other sites were posting mrs lincoln and elena this is the only one i have seen that hasn’t done that sorry.
Hands down for me Christien should be played by Ian Somerhalder. He fits perfect as the character with those eyes. Also I like your other picks for the other characters with the exception of Elliot, maybe Chris Evans as Elliott?
Christian- one more possibility is Adam Gregory. Some of his pictures on google images are from when he was younger, but the first one is what got me thinking he could do it! He’s 25 years old. Chris Evans would be really sexy too though.. 🙂
Anastasia- I LOVE Emilia Clarke for this! Georgia May Foote or Lacey Chabert would also be two other good backup choices!
I think you’re spot-on with Carrick, Grace, and Mrs. Robinson. However, I don’t want to see any too-familiar faces like Blake Lively’s. For Kate, I imagined someone more along the lines of Sara Paxton, Heather Graham, Amber Heard, or Amanda Schull. I would say Jennifer Lawrence, but again, too recognizable.
I’m not gonna lie, I imagined Taylor Lautner playing Jose… but his face is too familiar from Twilight. Ugh! Anyways, I think either Michael Trevino (with tanner skin), Ryan Guzman (with darker hair), or Tyler Posey. I wish Mario Lopez were younger! He’d be perfect!
Dean Geyer, Jake Abel, Armie Hammer, Lachlan Buchanan, or Cam Gigandet for either Ethan or Elliot.
Ugh, I just want to know who’s playing who already! I’m sick of waiting but I know they’re nowhere near a decision. It’s so frustrating!
And maybe Susan Sarandon or Sigourney Weaver for Mrs. Jones? Just a thought.
Como Christian Grey me gustaria algo del tipo de Henry Cavill o de Chris Hemsworth , para Anastasia veo a Alexis Bledel o Zooey Deschanel, no me preocupo por su edad en realidad parecen de veintitantos , en el caso de Kate me parece mas el tipo de Jennifer Lawrence o Hayden Panettiere creo que dan en el clavo, para Taylor definitivamente el tipo de Christopher Meloni, me encanta tu idea de Kim Cattrall como la señora Robinson, siento que para Elliot me gusta Paul Walker
I agree with everyone except Christian, I still think Alexander Skarsgards would be the beat actor for the job, he fits Christians description like no other.
As much as I love Chris Evans I just don’t see him playing Christen. I personally would like to see Ryan Gosling play him. I have no thoughts on Ana as I really don’t know who could play her.
Sorry I do not agree, Alexander is just not good looking enough to play Christian.
Wrong chap for mr grey……
I don’t think any of these resemble the characters, except that of Mrs. Robinson. Mia has to look younger and active, she is after all 22 (its more of a Lucy Hale type). Ana needs to have a look of innocence, this actress does not. And for Grace Trevelyan, she’s blonde so no clue how you got to this idea. And as for Taylor, well… even thou this actor is by far the hottest, he doesn’t seem to fit the profile. I’m sorry, but I do not see this version of the movie coming true.
And if I do, so help me God I will…. *sigh*
J x
Oh forgot to say, Matthew Bomer will look PERFECT doing Christian. He has the look.
Matt Bomer as Christian Grey. I have been researching him and he is literally PERFECT. He’s got the hair, the eyes, the height, the abs, the voice (singing and speaking!), basically the whole package! He was in Magic Mike for pete’s sake! I can’t imagine anyone else playing Christian. Just go search “Matt Bomer Fifty Shades” or “Matt Bomer Magic Mike” into youtube and you’ll see what I mean. I’m drooling. Lol.
I think you have the main characters all wrong. Chistian is tall, with long fingers, very, very attractive (beautiful), physically fit, unruly copper hair and gray eyes. That is a multicultural mixed black man, if ever. Therefore, a mixed black male should play Christian. Lindsay Loghan should play Anastasia. Kate should not be busty. She is a very attractive 21 year old, small and fit. Someone along those lines and around that age should play Kate.
The key to picking Christian is choosing someone who has class, but mischievous. Christian would never be someone who exhibits stipping features. He’s a wiz kid.
I like the characters you chose for Carrick, Grace, even Elliott and Mia.
Lindsay may have her challenges in life, but she is a very good actress and her part as Anastasia would cement this character. She will not let Christian walk all over her; her smart mouth would be great for this part.
Sorry about misspelling stripping (stipping).
Christian Grey is intense, let’s not forget that. Matt Bomer. Anna, we don’t want a flat character type- we want someone with experience! Mila Kunis OR Emma Stone-perfect-you choose. Blake lively is alright Kate. Elliot needs to be strong and playful, and smurky. He is clothe mechanic and construction candidate. Emmet twilight would dominate this role-no questions asked. Mrs Robinson-wow- i think of an old school teacher like the one from Recess! Giggles! But seriously someone that looks in their late forties early 50s. Like e l James herself, Mrs Jones, someone like that. I’m excited! May the best actors assume their roles in this explosive movie to be!
I agree with you with Chris Evans, I also like Chris Hemsworth and maybe Channing Tatum as Christian Grey.
For Anastasia Steele, sorry, but I am not feeling Emilia Clarke, I like Emma Stone better, with her dyed brown hair, big blue eyes and pale white skin. She’s young and sexy. A versatile actress indeed. She can play innocent and virginal, serious, funny and can talk with a smart mouth.
For Kate Kavanagh, my top pick is Scarlett Johansson, Blake Lively or Catherine Heigl (but I think she’s too old for the role)
I think Christopher Meloni fits Taylor, and so with the rest of the remaining casts.
Nice casting! Hope you can also put a face with the rest of the characters like Mrs.Jones, Carla, Ray, Ethan, Jose and Jose Senior, Jack Hyde, Elizabeth etc…
have you ever seen Richard Madden who played Robb Stark at The Game of Thrones? he’s HOT, got the look, the face n the hair, I think he will be perfect to play Christian.
agree with Emilia Clarke
Who should be ana? I personally say Ana should be someone who is not perfect, but as she described to be. The person should be chosen so she can play the role as Ana immediately. Ana must be someone who can cause mistakes. Her life should be mixed with the book. To get someone like Ana’s, is going to be difficult. I personally think the role of the person who should be Ana will take someone totally different than what already has been said and predicted. It should be Someone new and no one knows her, the followers and fans have to wonder who it is. All arise decisions whom Ana. Ana must be someone who is new to, but just as she is. She must be someone who doesn’t know the things in grey’s world, who never experience it before,who she discover the person who se wants to be with grey and can be. The role of Ana, it must not be just an act it must be real, she must be real, knowing its just like her life. Yes its hard to find the person perfect of ana, but she is some where . It can be someone already famous or someone complete opposite of famous. She should be someone who still doesn’t know the feeling of grey’s world. She must be someone innocent, someone who never experience this before until she met grey. To play Ana’s role , well it must be real she must be real.. Actress can act yes but in this story she is not an actress she is only a girl who like or fall in love with grey and will obey the way thing wants to be.* we read this story and when reading we live our self in this story as if we play the role* I hope Ana can be someone who people never though she be Ana .* I can’t wait!* and will be like putty in grey’s hands*
Emmy Rossum should be Ana. Young, innocent, and that’s who I pictured when I read the description in the books. Ali Lohan can be Leila…LOL.
Sharon Stone would be a better Mrs. Robinson !!
Love the choice of cast. Can’t wait to see it. x
travis fimmel for christian
I like the cast you picked but I must say I prefer Sharon Stone as Mrs.Robinson. I mean have you seen her in Basic Instinct 1&2?
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