Last night I did something I haven’t done in a really really long time. I went out, on a school night.
Normally, I like to stay home with the boys during the week. We have our weekly routine, and I enjoy it. Well, if I’m completely honest, I’m really just plain lazy. It has to be a really fucking good reason to get my ass out of the house during the week. And, last night presented itself to be just that.
I went into NYC with three other girlfriends to attend The Kellner Family Pediatric Liver Disesase Foundation’s “Night To Leap” event, at The Copacabana. My friend, Amy (hey girl) was on the Benefit Committee and worked hard to make this event a success. So, naturally, I wanted to support her and the foundation’s mission of reducing the incidence of pediatric liver disease and the importance of organ donation. (Please check out their website here and think about becoming an organ donor if you’re not already one.)
Did I also happen to mention the event was being filmed by Bravo TV for the upcoming season of RHONY? Bonus. Big time. There was no way I was going to miss out on a chance to get close to my boo, Andy Cohen. My brother from another mother. My bubbelah. I was dying to throw out a “Mazel” to him. Just one “Mazel.”
So, off to NYC, we four decked out ladies went. (A huge thank you to Vivian for driving, and getting us there and back, safe and sound.) Once there, we met up with more fabulous women from our hometown of Scarsdale.
Here’s a group shot from early in the evening (I apologize for not getting a pic of everyone we hung out with. I did my best!):
I had no idea who was going to be at this thing, so I was happily surprised when I walked in and saw my friend Arlyn. I rarely get to see her, so this was another huge bonus to the evening!
But, a true highlight came right after the above picture was snapped. I turned around and immediately found myself staring at Chaske Spencer, the actor who plays Sam Uley, the leader of the wolf pack, in the Twilight Movie Saga. He is such a a nice guy! Not only did he tolerate a couple of pics, but he tolerated all of my incessant Twilight questions. Yes, I introduced myself as a Twi-Mom. I have absolutely no shame. I also had no shame when I made him take another picture with me because the first one wasn’t from my “good side.” What? I told him actors weren’t the only ones with preferred photo angles. He didn’t seem to mind.
I asked Chaske, “So, what do you think about the next Breaking Dawn film?”
He smiled and said, “I think people are really going to like it. It has a lot more action in it than the first one.”
“Well, the first one was definitely setting things up,” I responded.
“Definitely. But, I think people will be happy because the second Breaking Dawn film stays pretty close to the book,” he offered.
Then, I told him Eclipse was my favorite film to date. I couldn’t help myself. I also couldn’t help myself when I informed him about an erotica book trilogy that was originally Fanfiction, based on Twilight. What? I thought he might find that interesting. He laughed and said he wanted to check out the books. Yeah, that’s what they all say. 😉
Anyway, back to the main event. We drank. We enjoyed a special performance by the Grammy Award Winning musician Miri Ben-Ari. And, as Miri played her fiddle, we got to enjoy a fashion show as well.
After the show, we drank some more (Jen and I rocked Tequila shots), danced a little, did a bathroom run, and then decided we were ready to go. But, the evening had one more treat in store for us before we headed out. Upon leaving, I noticed bright camera lights, and wouldn’t you know it…one of the Real Housewives of NY was filming a scene right in front of us. Amy tried to throw me in her path, but even I couldn’t do it. Maybe I do have some shame, after all. Instead, I snapped this:

Sonja Morgan filming for RHONY. Check out her headband. She's definitely channelling Olivia Newton John's 1981 Physical phase.
Well, that was it for the night. We stood around in the parking garage with other Scarsdale friends and continued our fun until the cars started to appear.
As soon as I walked in the door, Mark asked, “So? How was it? Did you have fun?”
“Yes. Great time. So much fun with those girls!” I enthused.
“Good. So?” Mark asked again.
“Andy Cohen? Did you see him? Meet him?”
Big sigh. “No. He wasn’t there. But, have no fear…one day, we will meet,” I declared, with my right hand pointing up in the air for emphasis. Mark chuckled.
And, whenever that next opportunity arises, I’ll be there, even if it’s on a school night. Who says NY suburban Moms don’t know how to party?
Have you been to any charity events lately?
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