The Pomegranate holds great spiritual significance within Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Some common symbolic meanings are that of fruitfulness, sweetness, and a representation of all good things.
And, nobody can dispute that Pomegranates are extremely healthy for you. They’re loaded with anit-oxidants and nutrients galore (i.e. lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin B5). The benficial effects appear to be endless.
Well, that’s all great. However, it happens to be one fucking high-maintenace fruit. And, I like my fruit to be low-maintenance.
Take a look:

You do not play with the pomegranate. It's is meant to be eaten. Eventually. When you finally get to the goods.
Who do think got to clean up this mess, including, two of the three males pictured above? You got it. Me.
So, next time I’m in the supermarket with the boys, and I hear, “Mommy, let’s get some Pomegranates. They’re soooooo good for you.” I’m sooooo going to give an emphatic “No.”
It’s one holy mess of a fruit. High-maintenace. Even it’s name has too many syllables for a fruit. Pom-e-gran-ate. We’re talking four syllables.
For me, low-maintenance fruit is the only way to go. Grapes. Berries. Apples. Plums. Pears. Unless, of course, one of the three males pictured above plan to clean-up the Pomegranate explosion themselves, then I might reconsider. But, since that seems to be a highly unlikely scenario, I’m sticking with your average one to two syllabic fruits.
How do you feel about the Pomegranate?
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My kids love them too. Lol
Such a pain in the ass fruit! xo
my favorite fruit is the banana if u were wondering. Followed by the blueberry. Pear comes in at a strong 3rd. Right behind it..mac apple.
I like your order of fruit hierarchy!! love you!! xoxox
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