I love to travel. Any kind will do, but air travel is my favorite. I know, not the norm for the current state of the world, but what can I say, I like to live dangerously.
Here are my Top 10 Reasons Why I ♥ Air Travel:
10. It’s a great excuse for everyone to get a haircut.
9. Mark is all about the family. No golf, no wings, no poker, no football. Just us.
8. No matter how big the boys are getting, they always look tiny in an airport. And, I’d love to keep it that way!
7. Airports now come with rides. Will the fun ever stop?
6. The boys get to enjoy many uninterrupted hours with an ITouch or TV screen, so they’re in great QUIET moods.
5. You get to eat a bagel, with butter, and not feel one ounce of guilt. What are you going to do? Sometimes, that’s all there is…
4. There’s no people watching like air travel people watching, especially if you spot a celebrity or two.
3. For a good chunk of time, there are no thoughts about food shopping, dry cleaners, pick-up times, playdates, or after-school activities. I have no-where to go but up.

All I have to worry about is finishing this Venti Skinny Vanilla 3-Splenda Latte before I get on that plane.
2. You can catch-up on any guilty pleasure TV series. One episode right after the other, without commercials. Fabulous.

The ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars. My new teeny bopper TV show obsession. Amazing. I watched 22 episodes straight, and still want more.
And, the number one reason is…
1. There is absolutely no cell phone use while up in the air. Now, that is a beautiful thing.
To anyone travelling by plane, train or automobile, have a safe trip!
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You amaze me!!!
So True